Watercolor, graphite, white ink on watercolor paper. 18x24"
The reason why I gave it this name is because it is the first thing that I see in her eyes when looking at the piece. Generally, the audience can go either way with. One may think with the woman's muscular features, she contained the strength to subdue this massive creature. Yet, her eyes display such a passive look, as if she is giving in to the beast itself. Either way, both subjects display strength and power but submissiveness and dominance rules the composition. Just another way to interpret how we may feel as if we hide the unwanted quality in us, but we just show both in different 'strengths and weaknesses'.
Untitled (at the moment)
I've been asked lately from my peers to put up some pictures of a piece in progress. Of coarse, this piece is a couple of steps ahead compared to its drawing stage. It is my first true attempt to paint a figure and everything around it with watercolor. But, I have to thank my good friend Danny for the human. Without his unique way to painting a figure with watercolor, I would not fully understand how to paint it, and his stuff is just amazing so look him up please!